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Smartphone Security

Many mobile users think that adequate smartphone security is a given, but with millions of data breaches every year, it’s time to think about improving your device’s security – here’s a quick guide to what to look out for, and how to protect yourself from hackers,

DID YOU KNOW? In 2015, 594 million people worldwide fell victim to cyber-crime.

Improving smartphone security to protect your data

As technology has advanced, data is no longer tied to a specific location – which means that your smartphone security is compromised.

With the introduction of systems such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and The Cloud, information can be transferred from one place to another (seemingly) through the air. With the development of easier data transfers comes the unfortunate reality that it’s now as easier than ever to intercept your personal data.

Despite this being the case, it seems that large tech companies such as Apple and Samsung are reluctant to put adequate security measures in place to protect consumer’s information. While protocols have been implemented to mitigate the threats of malicious attacks on the user’s devices, often the relevant security features must be requested separately or allowed access remotely by the user.

Smartphone security solutions

A simple solution to the threats posed in regard to data and Wi-Fi smartphone security would be for consumers to employ heightened security measures on their devices.

Having higher levels of encryption on a smartphone enables the user to more effectively block potential hackers or attacks – but often people aren’t fully aware of the risks they face, or falsely believe that they’re well protected from any harm whilst using only basic - or even no - security measures.

Man-in-the-Middle attacks

According to Norton, in the year 2015, 594 million people worldwide fell victim to cyber-crime, which demonstrates that it’s highly likely that when using an unsecured or public network, your device becomes vulnerable to a security threat.

Hackers will most often use the ‘Man-in-the-Middle’ approach to access your data. The attacker will exploit a flaw in the router’s security systems so that they can scan the public network for unsecured devices, and then intercept the ‘signal’ between the router and device.

Virtual Private Networks

A Virtual Private Network (VPN), is a type of encryption for your data that creates a ‘secure tunnel’ - enabling you to send information securely via Wi-Fi.

This means that your data - both sent and received - is secure and extremely hard to hack into. As some devices connect to Wi-Fi automatically, having a VPN is useful as it can be set up once and then is always in place to protect the device when necessary.

Silent Phone is a super secure operating system that can be downloaded onto any phone, increasing your smartphone security for complete peace of mind.


Why Hackers Love Public Wi-Fi. 2018. Why Hackers Love Public Wi-Fi. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 May 2018].